
Mathew Bernstein Headshot Angle

My name is Mathew Bernstein. I’m 28 years old, I live in Boston, MA with my wife Katie, and I have been told I can be overly critical. I’m working on that, though. I also have a slightly unhealthy obsession with shoes. I’m not really working on that.

I’m an experienced marketing professional with a passion for developing killer digital strategies to help brands drive engagement, acquire customers, and reach their goals. Throughout my career I’ve worked in sports, branding, ecommerce, retail, automotive, and at an agency focusing on everything from digital activation to brand strategy.

In 2018 I founded Bern Digital, a Growth Consultancy on a mission to help brands build their businesses through fresh thinking and innovative digital strategies. By combining insight-driven strategy, precise execution, and data analysis, I help clients and partners increase consumer engagement, generate qualified leads, and drive ecommerce revenue with a focus on measurable ROI. It’s an incredibly exciting time to be working in digital, and I love what I do.

I originally started building this blog to learn more about CSS and HTML, but it has turned into somewhat of a therapeutic outlet. Content will be focused on events in my daily life, business challenges I encounter, and other things that interest me. I’ll also probably cover the things that frustrate me, but only if I think there is a solution.

I hope you enjoy reading, and feel free to get in touch.


I was going to put a contact form on this page but it felt impersonal and lame, so hit me up on one of the networks below if you want to chat.






There are like five other subscribers and only one is my mother, so you know it’s cool.


Designed and authored by Mathew Bernstein.
© 2018 Bern Digital